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  • InsectaPatrol™ Organic Insects Repellant and Insecticide. “Guard your Garden with Nature’s Finest Patrol”

    Made by BRIGHT ORGANIX: Nature’s Power in Every Drop

    Organic Insects Repellant and Insecticide

    By embracing organic ingredients, InsectaPatrol™ stands out as the preferred choice for organic production, prioritizing safety and efficacy in pest management strategies. The active ingredients in InsectaPatrol™ include rosemary oil, clove oil, geraniol, and peppermint oil. These ingredients are known for their effective pest control properties and their natural origin, making them safe for use around children and pets. With a 73% concentration of peppermint oil, this insecticide is highly effective in repelling and killing pests. The formulation is designed to be non-staining and safe for various surfaces.

    In addition to its pest control properties, InsectaPatrol™ is also designed to be easy to use. The product comes in a convenient spray bottle, making application quick and simple. The non-staining formula ensures that it can be used on a variety of surfaces without causing damage or leaving unsightly marks. The natural spray is also safe for use around food, making it an ideal choice for kitchens and dining areas. The peppermint oil insect repellent provides a pleasant scent, making it a more enjoyable alternative to chemical-based pest control products.

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